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Who doesn't want to pay less?

Gorilla Paver Sealing Solutions is one of the few sealing companies in which use premium contractor grade sealers you can NOT simply get a local hardware store. The sealer we use you can ONLY get from an authorized distributor.

With this knowledge we get questioned why we cost so much. Well, what sealer is the company using in which you're comparing our pricing to? If they are NOT using the same product we are, you are not comparing apples to apples. Also, if they are using the same product ask them what the ratio mix is they're applying. Most companies who "quote" three quotes but are claiming to use the same sealer we are, they are adding more water to mix which means you're getting more water vs actual product. Again this is not the same.

Gorilla tries it's best to keep sealing affordable for everyone who wishes to have it done while only using premium contractor grade sealers. Yes, you can personally purchase the same sealer from a distributor and use it yourself!

Below is a list of discounts Gorilla does offer at ALL times!

1st time service for properties only located in Polk County, FL 15% OFF

1st time service for all active/retired Military personnel (with proof) 10% OFF

Large volume discount (must be over 10,000 square feet) 15% OFF ****conditions apply

Now for the good parts! Gorilla has always offered additional discounts for loyal customers and we have a few different programs available after the initial sealing has been completed!

1st program is our normal reseal program - any property Gorilla seals will receive a reminder postcard in the mail roughly 18 months after the service was completed. This reminds you to contact us to schedule reseal and we do offer a 10% discount if it is sealed by the 24 month mark from the last service date. Gorilla will NOT extend this date. We give plenty of time to contact us and you can schedule months in advance!

2nd option is our VIP Maintenance programs

Gorilla offers several since all properties are difference. They all include what we call soft-washes throughout the 2 year period in between sealing. The main difference is how many washes you want and the discount on the reseal service itself. The discounts range from 12-25%

These are a two-year binding contract and are property specific. A deposit is required but Gorilla locks in pricing (meaning if we have a price increase during your contract period you will not be charged more for sealing!). You also receive priority scheduling and all services for the two year period are PRE-SCHEDULED once you sign up and pay the deposit! We do have a few payment plan options to help as well.

Gorilla does NOT allow for multiple discounts to be used at the same time and please do NOT ask us for additional discounts. If companies are using the top rated sealers and in the right ratio mix the cost of product alone is over 35% of Gorilla's rate. We are a business just as others are. Just be careful what you're paying for. We receive calls all the time and so do our install contractors, where they didn't go with us because the price was "too high" only to need us for a restoration later on which is 4-6 times our normal sealing rate!

Gorilla ECS has insider knowledge of an array of products as well as family members who OWN an authorized distribution where Gorilla gets the sealer from! For the past 6 years this distributor has been the largest selling the brand of sealer we use in Florida and 98% is sold strictly to Gorilla ECS!


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